Canada's NDP


January 28th, 2021

PRESS RELEASE: Taylor Holds Virtual Townhall on Oil Tanker Moratorium

SMITHERS – MP Taylor Bachrach hosted a virtual townhall Tuesday to discuss Parliament’s upcoming vote on Conservative Bill C-229, which would repeal the North Coast Oil Tanker Moratorium. The townhall set a new high-water mark for attendance at the MP’s online events, with over 100 residents from across the region joining the call.

“I was pleased with the turnout and level of engagement,” said Bachrach. “It was inspiring to see so many people from across our region come together to talk about the future of our coast. I know that for some, the efforts to stop Northern Gateway and enact a tanker moratorium feel like a distant memory, but the Conservatives’ latest bill shows we need to remain vigilant.”

Guest speakers Marilyn Slett, Heiltuk Tribal Council Chief Councillor, and Joy Thorkelson, President of the United Fisherman and Allied Workers Union (UFAWU), shared why protecting the coast from oil tankers is so important.

Debate on the second reading of Bill C-229, introduced by Conservative MP James Cumming (Edmonton Centre), wraps up this week with a vote likely to happen next week. The bill contains only a single sentence, which seeks to fully repeal the Oil Tanker Moratorium Act.

Bachrach highlighted the need to help newly appointed transport minister Omar Alghabra understand the perspective of Northwest residents who want their rivers and coast protected from the risks of a crude oil spill.

“When I met with Minister Alghabra, I emphasized the importance of this issue to the people of BC’s north coast,” said Bachrach. “I wanted him to understand how long people in our region have been working to achieve this legal protection, and how critical it is that it remains in place.”

Over 500 people have signed an online petition expressing their support for the moratorium.

Contact: James Hammond – – 613-794-8482